The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityWe talk so much about resilience, but not enough about buoyancy“Resilience” has become a buzzword. Books, articles and podcasts on the concept abound. It is widely believed to be among the most…Jan 26, 2023Jan 26, 2023
The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityOrdering Forgiveness Toward Justice by Jonathan C. RutledgeIn book 5 of his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle opens his lecture on justice (Greek: dikaiosune) by pointing out that human beings speak of…Oct 11, 2022Oct 11, 2022
The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityRediscovering the “Ars Moriendi” by Xavier SymonsThe Western intellectual tradition has as a central preoccupation the question, “what is a good life?”. The concept of the good life…Sep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityPeace on Earth?As the holiday season approaches, many people enter — willingly or not — into a reflective mood. Alongside the parties and presents, as…Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021
The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityRetirement and Meaningful LifeWhat makes life meaningful? This question may be difficult to answer for many.Nov 27, 2021Nov 27, 2021
The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityGlobal Flourishing StudyA new era for the study of wellbeingNov 2, 2021Nov 2, 2021
The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityWell-being in Vulnerable Contexts During the COVID-19 Pandemicby Richard G. Cowden, Victor Counted, Tim Lomas and Andre RenzahoJan 6, 2021Jan 6, 2021
The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityThe Fragility of Flourishing: Augustine’s Critique of the Stoics by Brendan W. CaseAugustine and the Stoics agreed that human flourishing is fragile if it depends on any external goods, but the Stoics took this to show…Nov 26, 20202Nov 26, 20202
The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityMeaning in Life, Imagination, and Søren Kierkegaard by Jeffrey A. HansonIt may not be the mere presence or attainment of value as such that is meaningful but rather the effort involved in the attainmentNov 4, 2020Nov 4, 2020
The Human Flourishing Program @ Harvard UniversityinTempleton WorldFive Domains for Human FlourishingOne way to understand human flourishing is to break “complete human wellbeing” into some of its component parts.Sep 24, 2020Sep 24, 2020